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- Managing Coronavirus Federal AidManaging Coronavirus Federal Aid Six Coronavirus bills have been signed into law. These bills provide significant resources for citizens and state governments to deal with the Coronavirus public health emergency and the impact of the health emergency on Hawaii’s people and the economy. Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriation Act, 2020 (HR 6074; PL 116-123), […]
- GREAT Act of 2019 (Grant Reporting Efficiency & Agreements Transparency Act of 2019)December 30, 2019: President Signed the GREAT Act, Requiring New Grant Recipient Data Reporting The President signed H.R. 150, Grant Reporting Efficiency and Agreements Transparency Act of 2019 (GREAT Act) into law on December 30, 2019. This bill requires the establishment and use of data standards for information reported by recipients of federal grants. It […]
- Counting for Dollars 2020: The Role of the Decennial Census in the Geographic Distribution of Federal Funds (by the GW Institute of Publicy Policy, September 03, 2019)Federal financial assistance programs rely on data derived from the Decennial Census to guide the geographic distribution of funds to states, counties, cities, and households. To better understand the fiscal impacts of the upcoming 2020 Census on states and local areas, the Counting for Dollars Project aims to: Identify each federal program that geographically distributes […]
- Federal Award Expenditures by Hawaii State Government: 2001 to 2023State of Hawaii Data Book [For fiscal year ending June 30. In thousands of dollars] Year Total 2001 1,234,481 2002 1,353,397 2003 1,532,304 2004 1,659,913 2005 1,828,619 2006 1,859,707 2007 1,925,129 2008 2,018,873 2009 2,195,508 2010 2,732,260 2011 2,891,802 2012 2,297,802 2013 2,311,719 2014 2,570,901 2015 2,650,112 2016 2,943,260 2017 2,922,787 2018 2,994,878 […]
- USAspending.govThe Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (FFATA) signed into law on September 26, 2006 requires that grant, loan, and other financial assistance awards of more than $25,000 and federal contracts of more than $3,000 be displayed on a searchable, publicly accessible website ( to give the American public access to information on […]